Author: Admin

reliable, experienced, visionary...

Møt oss på SECTECH 2025

Se SBN Anywhere, som gir Alarmstasjons tjenester der du er. Et enkelt alarmmottak som kan vokse og integreres med tale, bilde og video, og bygges ut med mange nyttige apper. På Sectech viser vi også CloudSurgard, som tar imot alle slags analoge alarm-protokoller i Skyen og leverer signalet videre formatert som MLR2 eller SIA over…
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Welcome to AlarmPeople OY

AlarmPeople is expanding! We are thrilled to announce that we are now active on the Finnish market as partner to AlarmPeople OY with Janne Murtomäki at the helm. Janne Murtomäki has been in the security market for more than 25 years and has extensive knowledge within alarm monitoring software. Our Finnish partner will be responsible…
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Møt oss på SECTECH i Lillestrøm 8-9 mars

Vil du ha hjelp med å ta hånd om dine alarmer?   Overfør, motta og aksjonér på dine alarmer i skyen med SBN Anywhere Vi er på stand B68 på SecTech, kom innom for en prat om våre skybaserte løsninger.   Vi i AlarmPeople A/S er på SecTech Nova Spektrum på Lillestrøm den 8 og 9…
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AlarmPeople is expanding

We are pleased to announce that Knut Espen Øvreberg has now joined AlarmPeople A/S as a Business Development Manager. Knut Espen has been working in the Nordic and European security industry for more than 30 years. He has a significant experience in building and operating alarm monitoring stations and has been instrumental in a shift…
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Meet us at SECTECH 2022

Want to solve your alarm monitoring challenges? “Market, Monitor, Service, Purchase and Bill” with SBN MEET US at SECTECH Norway (March 9th & 10th) – stand A224 for a personalized tour. AlarmPeople A/S will be at SECTECH Norway with IBS INC. to introduce Security Business NET (SBN) to the Scandinavian market. Together with the owner…
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